Prevalence, knowledge and the associated factors with urinary incontinence in female students of a physiotherapy course
Pelvic Floor, Pelvis, Female Urogenital Diseases, Urinary Bladder, Quality of LifeAbstract
The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence, the knowledge and associated factors with urinary incontinence (UI) in female students enrolled in a physiotherapy course; and their quality of life. The students had to answer a form developed by the researcher, the International Questionnaire on Incontinence Consultation - Short Form (ICIQ-SF) and a knowledge questionnaire on pelvic floor musculature (PFM) and the occurrence of UI, based on a previous knowledge, attitude and practice (KAC) study. Out of 248 students, 170 (69%) participated in the study. According to the evaluation form, 111 women (65%) reported urinary loss at some moment in their lives. According to the criteria set in ICIQ-SF: 63 (37%) women were incontinent, 41 (65%) were suffering from stress urinary incontinence, presenting a small loss, once per week or less, with a slight impact on their quality of life. Most women who have pain during sexual intercourse (59%) and some urogynecological and intestinal symptoms, such as straining (92%), stop-start (75%), nausea (73%), constipation (53%), straining (53%) and incomplete emptying (70%), also suffered from UI as well. All women who used pads (100%) and sought medical care (100%) were incontinent. The use of contraceptive was higher among women without UI (84%). The knowledge about PFM and UI was built up gradually, as the course progressed. This result suggests that women who do not attend a Physiotherapy Undergraduate Course have limited knowledge about the subject, and it is necessary to spread the word about UI and the importance of physiotherapy for the prevention and treatment of UI.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lara Christina do Rêgo Pereira, Joyce Pereira da Silva, Claudia Regina Oliveira de Paiva Lima
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