Relationship between lower limb motor impairment and biomechanical strategies used during mobility activities in post-stroke individuals




Stroke, Mobility Limitation


Motor impairment and mobility limitations
are frequently observed in post-stroke individuals and are
associated with functional dependence and low perceived
quality of life. Therefore, evaluating the association between
motor impairment and the biomechanical strategies used
by post-stroke individuals in performing mobility activities
is necessary. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation
between lower limb motor impairment assessed by the
motor section of the Fugl-Meyer assessment (FMA) scale
and the mobility of post-stroke individuals 100 individuals in the chronic phase after stroke with a mean age
of 55.02±12.57 years. The FMA was used to assess lower limb
motor impairment and the TUG-ABS to assess mobility during the
following activities performed sequentially: changing from sitting
to standing position, walking, turning 180°, and changing from
standing to sitting position. Spearman’s correlation was used to
evaluate the relationship between variables (α=5%). Lower limb
motor impairment and mobility considering the biomechanical
strategies adopted by post-stroke individuals in the aforementioned
activities (changing from sitting to standing position, walking,
turning 180°, and changing from standing to sitting position)
showed a significant (p<0.001), positive correlation of moderate
magnitude (rs=0.60). This indicates that motor impairment is an
important outcome to be considered during the rehabilitation
of post-stroke individuals with mobility limitations, as assessed
by the TUG-ABS. considering
the biomechanical strategies assessed by the timed
“up and go” assessment of biomechanical strategies
(TUG-ABS). This exploratory cross-sectional study included


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Original Research

How to Cite

Relationship between lower limb motor impairment and biomechanical strategies used during mobility activities in post-stroke individuals. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 30(2), e22013423pt.