Workplace barrier’s questionnaire: criation and reliability análisis
Work Environment; Disabilities, International Classification of Functioning, Occupational HealthAbstract
The worker’s functioning is related to the
environmental conditions that Work Rehabilitation
Questionnaire (WORQ) was based on a core set of
the Classification of Functioning (CIF) to assess the
worker. It presents a validated Portuguese version for
use with active Brazilian workers, but is restricted to the
assessment of function body limitations and activities
and participation. This study developed a questionnaire
to assess environmental barriers at work, following the
WORQ format and test its reliability. A consensus was
reached (10 professionals and 11 workers), to choose
the environmental categories, contained in the core set
of the CIF that originated the WORQ, to integrate the
questionnaire. It was selected as pointed out by at least
85% of the participants. The categories were transformed
into questions. For reliability analysis, the questionnaire was
applied to a random sample of 123 active workers at a public
university in Brazil. The questionnaire had 20 questions,
based on the ICF core set for vocational rehabilitation and
WORQ. Its reliability was evaluated, with r= 0.855 (testretest) and Cronbach’s alpha = 0.936 (internal consistency).
This study developed an ICF-based questionnaire to assess
environmental barriers in the workplace. The analysis of
psychometric characteristics allowed strong test-retest
reliability and internal consistency for the instrument.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Juliana Scholtão Luna, Gina Torres Rego Monteiro, Rosalina Jorge Koifman

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