Chronic low back pain in a population of women in Southern Brazil: prevalence and associated factors




Sport Injuries, Muscle Strength, Knee, Athletes


This study aims to compare the performance of knee flexor and extensor muscles in young athletes of team sports with and without jumping as specific movement. There were two groups with young male athletes: the jumping group (n=46, volleyball, basketball and handball athletes) and group without jumping characteristics (n=44, futsal and soccer athletes). To evaluate the muscle performance of the flexors and extensors of the knee, we used an isokinetic dynamometer at a speed of 60°/s in concentric mode. The variables analyzed were peak torque normalized by body mass (PT), total work (TW), power (POW) and agonist/antagonist ratio (I:Q). To estimate unilateral deficits, we considered the values of the I:Q ratio less than 50%, and for bilateral deficits, asymmetries between the limbs greater than 10% for PT. There were no significant differences in the performance of knee flexor and extensor muscles between the groups, limbs and their interaction. When comparing Fisioter Pesqui. 2021;28(1):3-84 significant deficits in PT and in the I:Q Ratio, a greater number
of athletes in the jumping group showed imbalances in the I:Q ratio in the dominant limb (58.6% versus 25%, p=0.001). In the intragroup comparison, the group of athletes without jumping characteristics showed a difference between the limbs in the variables PT of extensors and flexors, in the flexors POW and in the
I:Q ratio. Young athletes practicing team sports, regardless of the group, showed muscle asymmetries, and we suggest the insertion prevention programs in order to minimize them.


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Author Biography

  • Juliana Corrêa Soares, Faculdade Metodista Centenário FAMES. Santa Maria. RS. Brasil

    This study aims to compare the performance of
    knee flexor and extensor muscles in young athletes of team
    sports with and without jumping as specific movement. There
    were two groups with young male athletes: the jumping
    group (n=46, volleyball, basketball and handball athletes)
    and group without jumping characteristics (n=44, futsal and
    soccer athletes). To evaluate the muscle performance of the
    flexors and extensors of the knee, we used an isokinetic
    dynamometer at a speed of 60°/s in concentric mode. The
    variables analyzed were peak torque normalized by body
    mass (PT), total work (TW), power (POW) and agonist/
    antagonist ratio (I:Q). To estimate unilateral deficits, we
    considered the values of the I:Q ratio less than 50%, and for
    bilateral deficits, asymmetries between the limbs greater
    than 10% for PT. There were no significant differences in the
    performance of knee flexor and extensor muscles between
    the groups, limbs and their interaction. When comparing
    significant deficits in PT and in the I:Q Ratio, a greater number
    of athletes in the jumping group showed imbalances in the I:Q
    ratio in the dominant limb (58.6% versus 25%, p=0.001). In the
    intragroup comparison, the group of athletes without jumping
    characteristics showed a difference between the limbs in the
    variables PT of extensors and flexors, in the flexors POW and in the
    I:Q ratio. Young athletes practicing team sports, regardless of the
    group, showed muscle asymmetries, and we suggest the insertion
    prevention programs in order to minimize them


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Original Research

How to Cite

Chronic low back pain in a population of women in Southern Brazil: prevalence and associated factors. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(1), 3-8.