Diastasis of rectus abdominis muscle immediately postpartum of primiparous and multiparous after vaginal delivery
postpartum period, rectus abdominis, physical therapy specialty, parturitionAbstract
The present study compared the diastasis of rectus abdominis muscle (DRAM) above and below umbilicus in primiparous and multiparous and correlated these with maternal's age, number of births, body mass index (BMI) and labour. Women's submitted to a vaginal delivery were included: 100 primiparous women (aged 21.0±4.4 years) and 100 multiparous women (27.2±6.2 years). The DRAM was measurements 4.5 cm above and below de umbilical scar with a caliper. Statistical analysis was conducted by Student's t-test for dependent samples and Pearson´s correlation, considering p<0.05. The DRAM above umbilicus in primiparous was 2.3±1.2 cm and 2.6± 1.4 cm in multiparous and below umbilicus were 1.2±0.9 cm and 1.2±1.0, showing no difference. The DRAM above umbilicus was higher than below in primiparous and multiparous (p<0.0001). It was found a significant association between the DRAM above and below the umbilicus, and DRAM above umbilicus and maternal's age and number of births. No correlations with the BMI and labor were observed. DRAM above umbilicus was significantly greater in both groups, but similar when primiparous and multiparous were compared. A significant correlation was observed among DRAM above and below umbilicus, DRAM above umbilicus and maternal's age and number of births.Downloads
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Diastasis of rectus abdominis muscle immediately postpartum of primiparous and multiparous after vaginal delivery. (2012). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 19(3), 236-241. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1809-29502012000300008