Using virtual reality for motor rehabilitation in a child with ataxic cerebral palsy: case report
Was evaluated the influence of Virtual Reality (VR) with Nintendo Wii (NW) on balance and gait of a children with ataxic cerebral palsy (CP-A). A case study, child male, 12 years, diagnosis of CP-A without history of respiratory, cardiac or orthopedic previous diseases, independent and preserved cognitive march, attended the premises of Amarati entity located in Jundiaí (SP). Initially the child was assessed by the Scale Berg, Kay Cerny Protocol and GMFM-66. After it started the rehabilitation using VR, 3 times a week in 30 minute sessions, through games of NW(r), with the game Wii Fit Plus, Balance Board Wii Remote platform and control during 04 months, totaling 40 sessions. The child continued kinesiotherapeutic treatment within the institution during the collection period. With the end of the proposed period, the same parameters were reassessed. There was an increase in the GMFM-66 score with increasing average scores of 71.69 (SD 1.64) to 77.46 (SD 2.06) in the evolving dimensions "standing" and "walking, running and skip "; increase in scale Berg (from 48 to 53 points), indicating an improvement in static equilibrium; the protocol Kay Cerny shows no changes in the evaluated parameters (speed, frequency of steps/min, and last stride length and step width) were observed. These results suggest that the use of the NW influences the improvement mainly to balance the child when used in addition to the kinesiotherapeutic treatment, however is necessary to perform studies with larger populations for evidence of its effectiveness.Downloads
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