The places of Patrícia Galvão: weaving a geobiography
Place, Geobiography, Patrícia GalvãoAbstract
We are beings who, even in constant movement in space, have basic places for our existence. Linked for a long time to the idea of location, the concept of place gained ground in geographic science in the 1970s with the consolidation of Humanist Geography. It is this line of understanding of the place as a scenario of life and existence that permeates the geobiography. Tracing the geobiography, and, in this case, that of a writer, is to understand her life as a situated phenomenon. The neighborhood of Brás, in the city of São Paulo, as well as the city of Santos – SP, were the places that composed Patrícia Galvão as a being-in-the-world and showed her the meaning of her existence.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Beatriz Santos de Souza, Tiago Vieira Cavalcante

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