The city in cordel culture: the case of Juazeiro do Norte


  • Antonio Marcos Gomes da Silva Universidade Regional do Cariri
  • Valéria Cristina Pereira da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás



Juazeiro do Norte, Imaginary of the city, Cordel


This work involves literature and the imaginary, presenting as a “research problem” the following question: how can cordel literature contribute to the understanding of the imaginary of the city? We understand by imaginary, according to Bachelard (2003), a group of images created by the imagination, which is, in this case, and more specifically speaking, the moment from which these images “encounter” the city; especially through literature. The objective is to understand the construction of the imaginary of the city of Juazeiro do Norte-CE through the narratives and images of cordel literature. The methodology will result from the analysis of strophes and cordel verses in their "imaginary" interface with the city’s scenery. It is hoped, with this research, to identify the narrative about the city and the contributions of the subjects who live, produce and express it through cordel.


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Author Biography

  • Valéria Cristina Pereira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Professora do Instituto de Estudos Socioambientais, da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). 


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How to Cite

The city in cordel culture: the case of Juazeiro do Norte. (2024). Revista Geografia Literatura E Arte, 4(1), 113-129.