Geoliterature in Redenir dos Santos: a look at the arraiano territory


  • Domingos da Costa Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Goiás



Geography, Literature, Arraias/TO


Arraias, um portal para o além, a fictional work by Redenir dos Santos, brings a narrative that seems fantastic to us, but which the author categorically claims to discuss real facts. At the same time, it discusses historical and geographical events that were decisive for the current formation of the territory of Arraias, a municipality in the State of Tocantins. Around the family saga of the boy Deco, Redenir manages to characterize the subjects and their imaginaries, the landscapes and places of everyday of Arraia’s citizens, leaving one of the best testimonies, in prose, of the social, symbolic and cultural realities of the territory of the southeast of Tocantins.

Keywords: Geography. Literature. Arraias/TO.


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Author Biography

  • Domingos da Costa Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Doutorando em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG).


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How to Cite

Geoliterature in Redenir dos Santos: a look at the arraiano territory. (2024). Revista Geografia Literatura E Arte, 4(2), 69-83.