FAB!t Pavilion: a portable proposal to include the maker culture in traditional education





Maker culture, Digital fabrication, Parametric design, Temporary architecture, Maker education


Fab!t Pavilion is a portable pavilion to foster the inclusion of the maker culture in traditional education, introducing in the elementary school’s programs the concept of industry 4.0, approaching the shift in the productive systems, especially regarding the manufacture and its implication on the new relationship consumer-product. In this scenario, the so-called maker culture intends to disseminate these technological advances and democratizing its access in traditional education. This work intends to update the teaching of technology in schools by introducing the fundaments of the maker culture, it in a fast, cheap and egalitarian way. As methodology, we studied and analysed several existing laboratories known as Fab Labs to identify their activities and the tools used in their spaces. Based on the study we developed a modular system to enable customized spaces that comply with the equipment’s functional requirement and related activities. For that, we propose a mountable and demountable construction platform and a system to enable the expansion and retraction of the structure, to adapt for future reuse of the community.


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How to Cite

PACINI, Giordana Dileta; PASSARO, Andrés Martín; HENRIQUES, Gonçalo Castro. FAB!t Pavilion: a portable proposal to include the maker culture in traditional education. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 14, n. 1, p. 76–89, 2019. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v14i1.148143. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/gestaodeprojetos/article/view/148143.. Acesso em: 11 mar. 2025.