Earth construction, Structural masonry, LCAAbstract
This work aimed to evaluate the potential environmental impacts in the life cycle of different design specifications of the soil-cement block masonry system. The evaluated alternatives were compared with the ceramic and concrete structural masonry. We used the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Different types of soil-cement block production process were compared, considering manual and mechanized process. We also compared two types of cement, CP-II-E-40 and CP-V-ARI and different types of coatings used in a soil-cement block wall. The data used were collected primarily and from the Ecoinvent database, adapted to the Brazilian context. The modeling was performed in SimaPro software. The alternative with CP-II-E-40 cement and manual process was the most advantageous. The alternatives of soil-cement block masonry presented lower environmental impacts than the ceramic and concrete block masonry for most of the evaluated cases mainly when the acrylic resin coating is considered, with differences reaching 77% for the Global Warming Potential category. The research contributes to show, in a quantitative way, the environmental performance of different alternatives of the soil-cement block masonry system for the Brazilian context. The results presented, especially the environmental design guidelines, can help designers and builders of this building system.
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