Health indicators of smart cities allies in coping COVID-19: an analysis of Passo Fundo/RS
Smart cities, COVID-19, Urban indicators, Health indicatorsAbstract
Cities have progressively emerged as protagonists, appearing at the center of major contemporary events. The crisis generated by the expansion of COVID-19 has reaffirmed this premise and highlighted the importance of the urban environment, challenging public managers in the management of cities. In this context, a concept that seeks to assist in management processes is the paradigm of Smart Cities, where ICTs are used as tools for transformation in urban dynamics, and through the measurement of urban indicators, they survey the city's information. In this sense, the objective of the article is to analyze the health indicators of Passo Fundo / RS, seeking to understand the relationship of these indices with the epidemiological data generated by COVID-19. In the methodology, the indicators of the Ranking Connected Smart Cities (RCSC, 2020) were used as a metric, as well as a section of the South Region, with the medium-sized cities best classified in the RCSC. The results show that the health indices of Passo Fundo are, for the most part, lower than those of the cities compared. In addition, with regard to COVID-19 data, Passo Fundo has the highest lethality rate among the cities analyzed. Thus, it was possible to see that cities that have adequate monitoring of urban health indicators and seek to develop Smart Cities initiatives have shown a better performance in the fight against COVID-19
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