Robots in Architecture: a review of definitions, classification and uses




digital fabrication, digital assembly, robotic applications


In 1959, the first robotic arm was installed in the automotive industry. Since then, the use of robots and automation is increasingly common in all fields. Millions of robots are used in the automation of repetitive tasks, tasks of great complexity or precision and in unhealthy environments. In the field of architecture, the use of robots allowed the shape creative exploration, through fabrication and assemble techniques. Its application in architecture began in the 1980’s, and its use is still, mainly, for academic purposes. In this context, the lack of papers that deepens into general history, definition, classification and uses in architecture leads to an incorrect identification of gaps and exploration potential. This paper presents (1) a general history of robots, discussions on their definition and classification and (2) to analyze their state-of-art in architecture showing research gaps and trends. Journals and conference books were analyzed in order to identify the types of robots and their use in the field. The definition and classification were compared with the uses in architecture in order to identify the research gaps and tendencies. As a result, there is a panorama on the uses of robot in architecture and identification of potential research in the area.


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Author Biographies

  • Filipe Campos, State University of Campinas

    Architect and urban planner graduated from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP),  completed his master's degree in the "Architecture, Technology and City" program at UNICAMP, focusing on optimizing thermal and structural performance in tall buildings with complex shapes. Works in research and consulting in the area of ​​parameterization of architectural design, BPS (Building Performance Simulation), optimization by genetic algorithms and rapid prototyping in architecture (file-to-factory). Conducted research for Scientific Initiation by FAPESP, focusing on optimizing roofs responsive to sunlight through parameterization, and research at the Self Assembly Lab / MIT with a BEPE/FAPESP grant, where he worked with self-assembling materials (4D printing) and development of new materials for FDM-type 3D printing. He is currently developing doctoral research in the area of ​​digital fabrication and robotics applied to architecture and carries out consulting services in the area of ​​building performance.

  • Gabriela Celani, State University of Campinas

    Gabriela Celani is an architect and holds a master's degree from FAU-USP and a PhD from MIT, where she was supervised by William Mitchell and Terry Knight. Since 2004, she has been a researcher and professor in the Architecture and Urbanism course at Unicamp, where she created the Laboratory of Automation and Prototyping for Architecture and Construction (LAPAC), and where she is currently a full professor. He works at undergraduate and graduate level, developing research in the areas of digital fabrication, automation of the design process, grammar of form and algorithmic-parametric design, across architecture and urbanism. At Unicamp, she was advisor to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies and the Dean and Project Director of the Exploratory Science Museum, and currently coordinates the Physical-Space component of the International Hub for Sustainable Development (HIDS) project. She is the author of the book CAD Criativo (Elsevier, 2003) and has translated into Portuguese the books The logic of architecture and The poetics of gardens. She was a visiting professor, with funding, at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina), at the Technical University of Lisbon and at MIT. She coordinated projects financed by FAPESP, CAPES, FAEPEX and CNPq, involving national and foreign universities, such as Coimbra, Lisbon, Melbourne, Braunschweig and Kaiserslautern. He is a member of the scientific committees of Design Computing and Cognition, SIGraDi, eCAADe, CAADRIA, ASCAAD and CAAD Futures congresses. He was vice president of SIGraDi and is currently vice president of CAAD Futures. She was an invited speaker at the following events: Digital fabrication: a state of art (Lisbon, 2011), SIGraDi 2012 (Fortaleza), Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing (Lisbon, 2013), Digital D'Arq (Coimbra, 2015) and SIGraDi/eCAADe 2019 congress (Harbor). Organized the CAAD Futures 2015 (São Paulo) and BRAGFOST 2016 (Campinas) congresses. He received the Arturo Montagú (Sigradi, 2017) and Zeferino Vaz (Unicamp, 2018) awards for his academic traje


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How to Cite

CAMPOS, Filipe; CELANI, Gabriela. Robots in Architecture: a review of definitions, classification and uses. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 18, n. 1, p. 83–105, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v18i1.207310. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.