The importance of the BIM Execution Plan as a requirement in contracts for public sector projects
BEP, contracts, public construction, ISO 19650Abstract
The Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations (AECO) areas started discussing Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the 1970s. Critical success factors and barriers to BIM installment were exhaustively studied, leading to the elaboration of several guides and protocols. Many of these studies bring the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) as an essential part of the successful development of building information modeling. This article proposes a literature review by consulting articles published in national and international scientific literature, BIM guides, and ISO 19650 standards to justify the best practices for preparing PEB documents, contracts, and their interactions. Based on this analysis, guidelines are suggested for preparing the BEP based on the literature studied, aligned with the ISO 19650 standard, and adapted for the public sector. Additionally, the different international contract models are detailed, comparing them with the legally available models for bidding in Brazil. In this sense, the differentiated regime model of public procurement can be modified to meet the collaborative demands of BIM and thus better extract the benefits that the methodology offers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jon Karl Weibull, Marcello Congro, Eduardo Thadeu Corseuil, Deane Roehl

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