Mineral chemistry and crystallization conditions of the Bom Jardim de Goiás pluton Tocantins Province


  • Keyla Thayrinne Oliveira Coimbra Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.
  • Antonio Carlos Galindo Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.
  • Zorano Sérgio de Souza Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.
  • Rúbia Ribeiro Viana Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri - UFVJM.




Tocantins Province, Ediacaran, Tonalites, Geothermobarometry.


Post-collisional granite intrusions related to the Brasiliano cycle are widespread in the Goiás Magmatic Arc, central part of the Tocantins Province, Central Brazil. The Bom Jardim de Goiás pluton (PBJG) is one of these intrusions of Ediacaran age, which are intrusive into metasupracrustal rocks and orthogneisses of the Arenópolis Magmatic arc. According to petrographic descriptions, the PBJG rocks are classified as tonalite, granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite, with coarse-grained equigranular to fine- to medium-grained inequigranular texture. This paper presents mineral chemistry of amphibole, plagioclase, biotite and magnetite from the PBJG and an estimation of intensive parameters of crystallization. The amphibole of the PBJG is subhedral or anhedral, with chemical characteristics of the calcic-amphiboles edenite and Mg-hornblende. The plagioclase (andesine, An30-37) occurs as prismatic or lath-like grains, twinned on the albite law, with chemical zoning evidenced by alteration to sericite, epidote and carbonates toward the centre of the crystals. Biotite is brown, lamellar, and partially replaced by titanite, chlorite and epidote; it corresponds chemically to Mg-biotite. The magnetite is euhedral or anhedral, with quadratic or elongated sections and usually observed as inclusions within hornblende, clinopyroxene, biotite and titanite. The AlT content of hornblende indicates crystallization pressure of 2.1 to 4.0 kbar for the PBJG. These values are consistent with the presence of andalusite in the host rock. The amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer indicates temperatures between 692 and 791°C, that are relatively lower than those obtained from whole rock zircon saturation geothermometer (794 – 813°C), interpreted as closer to the liquidus temperature.


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How to Cite

Coimbra, K. T. O., Galindo, A. C., Souza, Z. S. de, & Viana, R. R. (2017). Mineral chemistry and crystallization conditions of the Bom Jardim de Goiás pluton Tocantins Province. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 17(2), 289-302. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9095.v17-316