Three-dimensional interpolation of Rock Quality Designation Data: Itaipu Damarea, Paraná State, Brazil




3DInterpolation, Rock Quality Designation, Voxel, Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, Itaipu Dam, Brazil


This text presents the results of the computational method for three-dimensional interpolation of RQD data obtained from a set of 143 rotary drillings carried out during the geological-geotechnical investigation phase for the Itaipu Dam project, located in the Paraná River, in the frontier between Brazil and Paraguay. The area is inserted in the geological context of the basaltic terrain of the Serra Geral Formation. The interpolations were developed in the Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) program using the numerical method Regularized Spline with Tension (RST). The interpolation was developed for a volume of 28.107 m3, considering the 4,736 input data obtained from 143 rotary probes and voxel with horizontal resolution of 25 m and vertical of 3 m, which generated about 149,330 voxels, resulting in an average of 0.032/voxel input data. RQD input data has average value around 80, median of 87, standard deviation of 23, coefficient of variation of about 30%, and variance of 529. Meanwhile, interpolated RQD data resulted in a mean of 74, coefficient of variation of 27%, variance of 400, and standard deviation of 20. The result of the interpolation showed that the method used is efficient to data treatment and the GRASS and PARAVIEW programs are adequate and easy to use for volumetric interpolation studies. On the other hand, the result confirms that despite the amount of initial data, the spatial distribution of the input data interfere in the interpolation, which reinforces the importance of an adequate geological and geotechnical investigation plan to obtain a zoning with low uncertainty.


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How to Cite

Canello, V. A., Patias, J., & Zuquette, L. V. (2020). Three-dimensional interpolation of Rock Quality Designation Data: Itaipu Damarea, Paraná State, Brazil. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 20(3), 31-46.