Sapphirine and garnet bearing granulites geothermobarometry from the Paciência beach, Salvador, Bahia – Salvador-Esplanada-Boquim Belt




Salvador-Esplanada-Boquim Belt, Granulites, Sapphirine, Ultra-high temperature, Thermobarometry


The outcrop of the Paciência beach, Salvador, Bahia, is located in the geotectonic setting of the São Francisco Craton, in the extreme south of the Salvador-Esplanada-Boquim Belt (SEBB). In this work, a study was carried out on sapphirine and garnet bearing granulite, present in the outcrop. The first one consists of garnet and orthopyroxene porphyroblasts surrounded by a matrix of plagioclase ± K-feldspar ± quartz, and retrometamorphic biotite. The sapphirine bearing granulite presents very residual constitution, formed mainly by simplectites between sapphirine + orthopyroxene ± spinel ± cordierite, and smaller amounts in the matrix of plagioclase, quartz, potassium feldspar, and retrometamorphic biotite in profusion involving the other phases. In the garnet bearing granulite, garnet is a solid solution dominated by the almandine-pyrope, with a composition between alm55prp43 in the core, and alm60prp39 at the rims. Al in orthopyroxene ranges between 0.43–0.30 apfu in porphyroblasts. In the sapphirine bearing granulite, Al in orthopyroxene ranges 0.27–0.40 apfu. Metamorphic peak P-T conditions ~1.04 GPa and ~1,015°C were obtained for garnet bearing granulite, and XMg in orthopyroxene in sapphirine bearing granulite indicated T close to 1,030°C via pseudosection. These conditions are compatible with ultrahigh temperature metamorphism, and it is the first report of this type of metamorphism in the SEBB. The immediately post-peak metamorphism would have elapsed in almost isothermal decompression path, consistent with identified reaction microstructures, up to the limit close to 0.75 GPa and 930°C in the pseudosection, still at high temperature. The diffusion between Fe-Mg and back-reactions would act intensely during the following cooling stages in the sapphirine bearing granulite, resulting in temperatures calculated via Opx-Spr thermometer lower than those of


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, D. L., Oliveira, J. S. de S. de, & Moraes, R. de. (2020). Sapphirine and garnet bearing granulites geothermobarometry from the Paciência beach, Salvador, Bahia – Salvador-Esplanada-Boquim Belt. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 20(4), 53-78.