Major elements composition in source-rock, soil and sediments derived from granitic rocks in humid subtropical climate: contribution to the sedimentary provenance studies




Geochemistry, Sediment generation, Grain size, Provenance


The study of the sedimentary processes and the modification of the detrital composition between source rock, soil, and sediment is crucial to understand the compositional fractionation in the first stages of the sedimentary cycle. Studies in current environments are needed to unravel the complex relations between the processes that generate all the detrital sediment composition spectrum. In this work, the influence of the sedimentary processes in the composition of the sediments was evaluated using samples of the source-rocks, soils, and detrital sediments in a hydrographic basin where granitic rocks are exposed in a humid subtropical environment. The samples were separated into eight granulometric intervals from pebble to mud. Inductively Coupled Emission Optical Spectroscopy — ICP-EOS — determined the geochemical composition. The relations between chemical composition and grain size was analyzed by statistical methods using diagrams, dispersion charts, main components analysis, and the evaluation of the covariance structure through biplot analysis. The results demonstrate the grain size control in the soil and sediments composition and imply for the understanding of weathering and transport in the geochemical fractionation. The analysis of the compositional relations between rock, soil, and sediment in actual environments contribute to the building of quantitative models that allow determining the effects of the sedimentary processes in the composition of siliciclastic rocks.


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How to Cite

Pereira, G. M., Guadagnin, F., Jelinek, A. R., & Caron, F. (2021). Major elements composition in source-rock, soil and sediments derived from granitic rocks in humid subtropical climate: contribution to the sedimentary provenance studies. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 21(1), 3-21.

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