Stratigraphic and structural control over permeability distribution in poorly consolidated siliciclastic rocks
Permeability, Geostatistical simulation, Litho-structural controlAbstract
Permeability models are very relevant for the characterization of oil systems. However, limitations related to the resolution of seismic data make it difficult to identify subseismic, sedimentary, and tectonic structures, which can significantly impact the flow pattern. This study analyzed the spatial variability of permeability according to stratigraphic and structural geology control to propose a useful model for poorly consolidated, fractured, and faulted siliciclastic reservoirs. In an outcrop analogue to this type of reservoir, air permeability was measured in 3 orthogonal directions at 24 points, spaced 2 m apart.
The models were obtained by sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) after statistical data treatment. The models were validated to ensure the consistency of the generated scenarios. Permeability values showed a positive asymmetric distribution and reduced medians toward tectonic structures. The fitted semivariogram model was exponential, with higher spatial continuity in the horizontal flow direction and lower in the vertical one. The permeability models emphasized the importance of considering subseismic structures in the flow analysis of reservoirs since they have proven to play a significant role in the permeability distribution in the outcrop assessed.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Thayssa Pereira de Andrade, Emilio Velloso Barroso, Luis Paulo Vieira Braga, Claudio Limeira Mello, Jorge André Braz de Souza

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