Petrology, Mineral Chemistry, and δ34S of the Cu-Ni Mineralizations of the Canindé Gabbroic Complex, Sergipano Orogenic System, NE of Brazil




S isotopes, Canindé Domain, Cu-Ni Deposit


The Canindé Gabbroic Complex is a mafic-ultramafic body with about 240 km2 intrusive in the rocks of the Canindé geological Domain, of the Sergipano Orogenic System. Its intrusion is 690 ± 16 Ma in age and occurred during a Brasiliano continental distension event. The Canindé Gabbroic Complex is constituted by a diversity of rocks ranging from anorthosites and troctolites to olivine and hornblende gabbros. Whole rock geochemical analyses by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) indicate that the rocks are basic to ultrabasic, ranging from gabbro to gabbro-peridotite, with negative trends of MnO and FeO, and positive trends of K2O and Na2O in relation to the SiO2 content, which relate to fractionated crystallization processes. Cu-Ni mineralization is disseminated in the rock, mainly as sulfides chalcopyrite and pentlandite. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies determined that the primary sulfides have their edges altered to spionkopite (Cu39S28) and violarite (FeNi2S), as the result of an oxidation process by exposure to a high fO2 environment, during a post-magmatic hydrothermal event. The isotopic composition of sulfur, analyzed for the first time in the primary sulfides of the Canindé Gabbroic Complex, is between + 1.3 ‰ < δ34S < + 2.7 ‰, which indicates that the source of the S is hydrothermal, pointing to an origin of these by crustal contamination processes. Our results indicate these Cu-Ni mineralizations as having magmatic sources for metal cations but deriving the S from crustal contamination. This type of magmatic deposit, derived from crustal contamination and later affected by hydrothermal processes, is represented by worldwide renown deposits such as Duluth (USA) and Jinchuan (China).


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How to Cite

Damasceno, F. B. ., Martins, B. L. L. ., & Marques de Sá, C. D. . (2021). Petrology, Mineral Chemistry, and δ34S of the Cu-Ni Mineralizations of the Canindé Gabbroic Complex, Sergipano Orogenic System, NE of Brazil. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 21(3), 169-180.