Atlas of geological and hydrological risks for the state of Espírito Santo in the period 2011–2020: general results
Engineering geology, Sectorization, Landslides, Natural disastersAbstract
The conclusion of the risk mappings produced by the Geological Survey of Brazil and the Municipal Reduction Risk Plans over the last decade requires the creation of a new atlas for the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo (ES). The main objective of this research was to present the general results of the Atlas of Geological and Hydrological Risks for the State of Espírito Santo, with data from these publications. For this purpose, 1,378 high- and very high-risk sectors from 78 municipalities in ES, related to twelve geological and hydrological processes, were analyzed. Data were statistically treated, which enabled the production of charts. The charts reflect the analysis of the following parameters: year of mapping, degree of risk, number of buildings and percentage population at risk. New developments were created in this process, such as the Risk Sectoring Index (ISR) and the municipal and state percentage analyses. The ISR is an easy-to-determine index that exclusively involves field-evaluated parameters. Information regarding the history of municipal decrees, damages and losses and rainfall regime were obtained and added to the atlas. The results show that Espírito Santo’s ISR in 2021 is 147,888, and rockfalls, floods and planar landslides are in at least one sector of more than half of Espírito Santo’s municipalities. The methodology used is unprecedented and proves to be relevant in quantifying and managing the risk of natural disasters.
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