Exploring the Pampa Gaúcho: from dinosaur trackways to a meteor Impact Crater





Geodiversity, Geotourism, Paraná Basin, Astroblem, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


The border region between Brazil (municipalities of Santana do Livramento and Quaraí, Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay, and Argentina encompasses different cultures and great geodiversity. On the Brazilian side, it is possible to visit important geosites that are in the context of Paraná Basin. The divulgation of the geodiversity of this frontier is insufficient through scientific publications. Nevertheless, the rich culture of the region is portrayed in numerous literary works that correlate its traditions with its natural monuments. This study aimed to divulge a geotouristic route for the area, with the following objectives: to display the geological diversity of the region for the general public; and to promote geotourism and geoconservation by presenting a route. The route beings in the Palomas Hill (Santana do Livramento), where visitors can observe the “morros testemunhos” (witness hills) that compose the terrain of the region. At the end of the route is the Jarau Hill, composed of sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Its circular shape, associated with minerals usually found in impact craters, suggests that this structure corresponds to an “astrobleme”, that is, an impact structure created from the fall of a meteor. We expect that the elaboration and divulgation of this geotouristic route will lead to an increase of geotourism in the region, in addition to fostering the geoconservation of geosites and promoting the geodiversity and rich culture of the region. 


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