Speleosystemic Services: how to characterize caves from the point of view of Ecological Economics and Geosystemic Services?





Ecological economics, Ecosystem services, Caves, Geoconservation


The direct and indirect benefits that ecosystem services provide to human beings can be of countless natures: from the water used for different purposes, to the biodiversity, the resources, and the minerals that have sustained the evolutionary history of civilizations. Faced with the recent threats that the Brazilian speleological heritage has been suffering, such as attempts to change the decrees that provide for its protection (SBE, 2020), this article sought to contribute to the discussion on the benefits that caves have in this context, from shelter to the first civilizations to source of information about the climatic past and advanced industrial pharmaceutical research in the future. As an analysis resource, the present study applied the concepts of ecosystem services to the karst environment and applies a method of surveying “speleosystemic” services with the Devil’s Cave (Gruta da Tapagem). As a basis for contextualization, the text reviews how discussions related to ecosystem services emerged and evolved in recent decades. Thus, its objective was to present arguments based on Ecological Economics to support conservation strategies for karst regions, as well as information that contribute to better scientific dissemination and environmental education actions. It is believed that categorizing the benefits that caves have on human populations can be a useful argumentation resource in response to the lack of knowledge of the speleological heritage in the face of the threats it has been suffering.


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How to Cite

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