The structure of western Serra do Curral, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, and tectonic control of the high-grade iron hard bodies


  • Julio Carlos Destro Sanglard Universidade PETROBRAS; Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia de Exploração e Produção
  • Carlos Alberto Rosière Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG; Instituto de Geociências
  • João Orestes Schneider Santos University of Western Australia; Centre for Exploration Targeting
  • Neil Jesse McNaughton Curtin University of Technology
  • Ian Robert Fletcher Curtin University of Technology



The structure of western Serra do Curral, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, represents the partial exposure of a syncline that verges to NNW - Piedade Syncline. This regional structure has parasitic folds denominated as B1A which are refolded by folds B1B that also have vergence to NNW. Both of them have ENE-WSW direction, are non-cylindrical folds and configure an interference pattern that is similar to Type 3 from Ramsay. This refolding occur during progressive deformation. The occurrence of high-grade magnetitic-martitic accumulation (>; 64% Fe) of medium size (~ 100 Mt) is controlled by the combination of these folds and high angle thrust fault, both with the same direction. Above these structures, there is a development of folds with NNW-SSE direction and WSW vergence (B2 folds). These folds are restricted to the B1 limbs and they configure an interference pattern named "abbuting fold". The age obtained by U/Pb SHRIMP on monazite grains is 2034 ± 11 Ma. The monazite grains occur on textural balance with the iron oxide from high-grade accumulations. This age corresponds to the formation timing of the high-grade bodies and suggests that the mineralization process is contemporary to the regional metamorphic peak of Quadrilátero Ferrífero.


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How to Cite

Sanglard, J. C. D., Rosière, C. A., Santos, J. O. S., McNaughton, N. J., & Fletcher, I. R. (2014). The structure of western Serra do Curral, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, and tectonic control of the high-grade iron hard bodies . Geologia USP. Série Científica, 14(1), 81-95.