The low to culture and sociocultural responsibility of libraries
Culture, Library, Sociocultural function, Federal Constitution, Policies to encourage cultureAbstract
It highlights the sociocultural responsibility of libraries, highlighting the participation of the community towards the full development of citizenship through their insertion and participation in culture. It also describes the right to culture outlined in the Federal Constitution of 1988, our Magna Carta, where all the texts of our positive law emanate. It also discusses issues related to the right to culture, highlighting cultural policies such as the Rouanet Law and the National Reading and Writing Plan. Therefore, the development of this study presents a methodology that consists of qualitative research, bibliographic and exploratory nature, in the mediation in which it rescues and analyzes authors pertinent to the subjects addressed. In the current conjuncture, the role of libraries assumes vital importance in that it can contribute to the realization of cultural rights, essentially acting to reduce social, cultural and economic inequalities in Brazilian society.
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