Brazilian scientific production on alternative metrics: systematic literature review
systematic literature review
Atlmetrics, Alternative Metrics, Systematic ReviewAbstract
The aim of this research is to conduct a systematic review in the literature on Altmetry indexed in the Scopus database, in order to outline an overview of what has been discussed at the national level. The methodology of systematic review was adopted because it allows greater control and direction of the steps that constitute bibliographic survey and data analysis. The total number of records retrieved was established and criteria for document analysis were applied. After these steps, summaries were generated in order to represent the main ideas of the documents. The results show that Brazilian researchers with publications indexed in Scopus on Altmetrics sought to conceptualize and understand the theoretical precepts of this quantitative approach, besides seeking to map the social impact of areas and disciplines through altmetric indicators. It is concluded that due to the scope of the research, it is still not enough to prospect about the direction of Altmetry in the national literature, but that the literature analyzed indicates that Altmetry has been established as a methodological approach, to the detriment of its criticisms and limitations.
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