The standardization of academic work in practice: a short account about experiences of the Normalizadores Group
Standardization. Academic work. Normalizadores group.Abstract
The study presents, succinctly, on the use of standards published by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) in academia and from experiences, creating a group specifically geared to the practice of standardization of academic. It is stated, succinctly, as the standardization activity is essential for the organization, accessibility and exchange of information between researchers, teachers and students. Having your most frequently used during the development of Work Course Conclusion - TCCs. For the understanding of the general public, aimed a speech easy understanding of the singularities related standardization activity. The structure of academic work is approached related to scientific communication, ABNT, plagiarism and author rights. Opinions of some students about standardization of academic work, as well as their difficulties to standardize it, are also discussed during this study. Finally, this study shares some experiences of the Normalizadores, which is a group that standardizes academic work in the city of Fortaleza. The group also promotes the importance of the standardization of academic work inside public and private universities.
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