The Role of the Reference Librarian in the Academic Building Informational Literacy: an Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary Practice
Interdisciplinarity, Information Literacy, Academic literacy, Reference librarian, UndergraduatesAbstract
This paper is an experience report interdisciplinary and intersectoral experienced by librarians, teachers, and graduate students involved in the construction of Information Literacy, specifically in the domain search capabilities unveiling of academic informational universe. This experience arose from the perception of professors of the course Research Methodology of Economics about the lack of students' knowledge of the features of information sources and their difficulties to find them. Was proposed to reference librarians that would help undergraduate students to build informational literate practices in academia. Two classes of librarians to conduct this work were offered. After preplanning, gave up the first class of search, selection and use of information sources. The second addressed the issue of knowledge representation and normalization of scholarly work. This report focuses, in particular, the activity and the know-how of reference librarians. Presents results of the experiment developed, the main ones being the following: a) the reference librarians have been called to a new task, the exercise of the function of educating; b) they have achieved the objectives in lived experience; c) they had different sources of information and explained their different shapes and functions; d) students used these sources to build their completion of course work; e) knowledge offered helped students to become more independent in their searches, the most critical in the selection and use of information.
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