Impact of hyperautomation on the human rights of digital migrants: impact of hyperautomation on the human rights of digital migrants


  • Yaritza Pérez-Pacheco Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja en México



Digital privacy, Algorithmic bias, Digital divide, Digital inclusión, Right to non-discrimination


This paper examines how the impact of hyper-automation poses risks to the human rights of "digital migrants" as a vulnerable group. The main objective is to analyze how the integration of emerging technologies threatens privacy, non-discrimination, and digital inclusion. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative approach is employed, integrating literature review and the study of emblematic cases. Furthermore, the comparative method allows for an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by digital migrants as they are forcibly adapting to a changing technological environment. The analysis is conducted from a human rights perspective, highlighting the urgent need to update regulations and incorporate ethical principles on a global scale, actions that are essential to safeguard the fundamental rights of digital migrants considering the risks posed by hyper-automation. Ultimately, this paper provides reflections on the necessary balance between technological innovation and the protection of human rights.


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Artigos Científicos

How to Cite

Pérez-Pacheco, Y. . (2024). Impact of hyperautomation on the human rights of digital migrants: impact of hyperautomation on the human rights of digital migrants. Interface Communication Review , 2(1), 3-26.