Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) and Peripheral Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells (PBMSCs) in the management of intraosseous defects: a randomized clinical trial
Intrabony defect, Osseous regeneration, Peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells, Platelet-rich fibrin matrixAbstract
A combination of peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells (PBMSCs) and platelet rich fibrin matrix (PRFM) could be a probable periodontal regenerative material with the synergy of the added benefits of each material. Objective: This randomized controlled clinical trial aimed to evaluate the regenerative capacity of supercell (PRFM and PBMSCs) compared with that of PRFM alone in human periodontal mandibular intraosseous defects (IOD). Methodology: This study included 17 patients of both sexes (12 men, 5 women) aged 30-55 years (mean age = 37.7±4.4 years) who fulfilled the inclusion criteria (radiographic and clinical evaluation for bilateral IOD with probing pocket depth (PPD ≥ 6 mm). A split-mouth design was used in each patient. A total of 34 sites in the mandibular arch randomly received PRFM alone + open flap debridement (OFD) [Control sites] or supercell (PRFM+PBMSCs) + OFD [Test sites]. The clinical parameters plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), PPD, clinical attachment level (CAL), and in the radiographic parameters; defect depth (DD) and defect fill percentage (DFP) were recorded at baseline, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Early wound healing index (EHI) was used at 1 week to assess wound healing ability. Results: At 6 months, radiographic parameters revealed significant reduction in DD (P<0.001) and significant DFP values in the test group compared with the control group. The supercell showed significant improvement in PPD and CAL at the end of 6 months (P<0.001). EHI scores at 1 week showed no statistically significant difference between the test and control groups. Conclusion: Supercell can be considered a regenerative material in the treatment of periodontal IODs.
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