Gender and violence: contributions to the debate
Gender Identity, knowledge, violenceAbstract
The term gender is defined as the social construction of sex, differentiating itself from the variable "sex" because this refers to the biological dimension of anatomical and physiological characterization of human beings, recognized as essential and innate in determining the distinctions between men and women. Gender violence is characterized as a phenomenon of multiple determinations that defines any act based on gender relations that result in physical and psychological harm or suffering. It refers to the hierarchy of power, desires of domination and annihilation of the other, and that can be used consciously sometimes in relationships as a mechanism for subordination of one person to the partner. Understanding how violence occurs from gender relations is essential in order for the phenomenon to be addressed. In this perspective, the Journal of Human Growth and Development has provided a wide debate on the subject, contributing to the decision making in regards to the fight against gender violence.
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