Values and believes parental: theoretical considerations


  • Ana P. R. Kobarg Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Vírginia A. R. Sachetti Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Mauro L. Vieira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Departamento de Psicologia



Parental care, Values, Beliefs, Culture


The cultural context allows the gathering of information inside a group, and this is reflected on beliefs and practices. To understand the relationship between human nature and culture is a complex and necessary task for the comprehension of behavior. The conduction of more research studies focusing on the complex relationship between the social and the biological promotes a better understanding of development, which means that the study of beliefs and practices allows us to deepen our understanding of the relationship between men and culture and, consequently, to better understand human behavior. Thus, the study of parental beliefs is important to the comprehension of human development because it is directly linked with the style of child care.


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