A loss, so many losses...
Psychoanalysis, Psychic suffering, Self, Libidinal historyAbstract
The present article aims to understand and disclose the psychic suffering of a woman with breast cancer who accepted to undergo an analytical process. The theoretical framework used is that of psychoanalysis, a method that aims to investigate the unconscious processes that are revealed by means of free associations, transference, and resistance analysis. It is on those bases that this work is organized. The work of Piera Aulagnier, a Freudian psychoanalyst, is used as the background for the understanding and theoretical discussion of the clinical cases. The concept established by Aulagnier is fundamental: a Self that builds a libidinal history tries to find causes to understand the external and internal worlds and the suffering triggered by them. Therefore, the notion that the Self must continue investing in himself, in the relationship with the other and in the external world to maintain himself alive, despite all the adversities, pervades this work.Downloads
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