Youth and reproduction of the Guarani-Mbyá ethnic group of Aldeia Morro da Saudade, on the periphery of the city of São Paulo
Youth and reproduction, Guarani-Mbyá Ethnic Group, Reproductive health, Ritual Practices, Indian healthAbstract
This is a qualitative study conducted to understand issues relating to the maternity and reproductive behavior of youths belonging to the Guarani-Mbyá ethnic group, inhabitants of Aldeia Morro da Saudade, a village located on the periphery of the city of São Paulo. The study aims to unveil the meanings attributed to maternity by the different Guarani generations, which live in an area of restricted territorial demarcation, establishing a daily interaction with other cultural patterns practiced by a population of non-Indians who live around the village. This event is seen from a socio-cultural point of view, which establishes a process of interaction between the cosmology that represents them and the current occurrences, pointing to probable possibilities of change, or cultural maintenances inside the ethnic universe which characterizes them as a group.Downloads
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