Emotional factors, life quality and adhesion of treatment in adult with diabetes type 2
diabetes, stress, anxiety, depression, life quality, adherence of treatmentAbstract
This study has the purpose of verifying the relationship between emotional factors (stress, anxiety and depression) life quality and adherence to the treatment in adults suffering from type 2 diabetes. Thirty people (18 women and 12 men aging from 33 to 59) participated in the study. All enrolled in the Hiperdia program of a municipal health unit. Instruments used were the inventories of anxiety and Beck's depression, Lipp's inventory of Stress Symptoms The adherence to the treatment was measured by means of the latest result of glycated hemoglobin exam. The results showed that there was no relation between emotional factors and adherence to the treatment. However it was verified a significant correlation between diabetes diagnosis time and adherence, thus suggesting that the longer the time the participant presented the illness, the bigger the difficulty in maintaining the glucose levels stabilized and adhering to the prescribed orientations. It was also observed the positive correlation between low adherence and family structure, predominantly nuclear. The results suggest that other factors besides the emotional ones must be considered in the analysis of adherence to treatment.Downloads
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