
  • Simone Gasparetto
  • Vera Silva Raad Bussab
  • Telma Vitória



creche, adaptation, babies, mediation and development.


The paper presents a brief vision of the current state of the day care centers in Brazil. While comparing it with that of other countries, it emphasizes the urgent need of research in this arca. It presents a project, yet in progress, about the adaptation
of babies and their families when they start attending a crèche. The adaptation process is considered as resulting from multiple biological, psychosocial and historical factors of the family and of the institution. One of the subprojects is illustrated; it intends to
investigate the mediation role of adults when introducing the baby to the new persons and situations.

Author Biographies

  • Simone Gasparetto
    Prof Titular da Fac. Fil. Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto-USP e Coordenadora do Centro Brasileiro de Investiga~õe:s sobre Desenvolvimento e Educação infantil (CINDEDI).
  • Vera Silva Raad Bussab
    Mestranda na Área de Psicologia da FFCLRP-USP.
  • Telma Vitória
    Mestranda na Área de Saúde Mental da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USR


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