
  • Celina Imaeulada Girardi



Brazilian and Mexican adolescents, desc^libers of’father a~^ld n~t’ner, semantic differential.


In order to understand adolescents, it is necessary to analyse how they judge the relation they have with their parents, how this relation is in the present, and how it was, in many
occasions, in the past. In other words, it is necessary to analyse how the adolescents describe the form and the extent to which they establish dif’ferences be^hveen the parents with respect to
many aspects such as: affection, friendship, independence, equality, domination, etc. Frequently, the differences regarding children’s perceptions about ~heir parents are based on the cultural variation among the groups or on the confficts between younger and older generations, due to the process of identity formation undergone by every adolescent. For these reasons, the present paper tries to analyse how adolescents from hvo distinct cultures (Brazilian and Mexican) desc~ibe their parents, based on a set of adjectives presented by means of a Semantic Diff’erential. The results of this investigation (similarities and differences) constitute the contribution of’the present article.

Author Biography

  • Celina Imaeulada Girardi
    Centro de Investigación da Universidad Intercontimental, México, D.F.


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