stories, therapeutic handling, hospitalised patients, psychosomatic.Abstract
This article provides elements for a reflection on the use of stories in the clinical monitoring of hospitalised somatizing patients, aiming to make this resource become instrumental. To achieve this, theoretical considerations articulated with the clinical vignette are used. The hospitalisation period is generally a short period of crisis, in which the persecution anxiety tends to be exacerbated; it derives from a situation of psychosomatic unbalance and it is a period that is extremely favourable to the emergence of regressive behaviours. Stories are a transitional phenomenon; they are structured in a register that is close to fantasy, and have a strong relationship with unconscious processes; they emerge from a relational context as the result of transferential and counter-transferential manifestations; they carry a metaphoric potential that allows the assigning of a name to the unspeakable. In short, due to their transitional andplaying characteristics and to their metaphoric potential, this resource is a powerful instrument to deal with the most primitive aspects involved in the situations of regression and psychosomatic unbalance presented by the patients in question.
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