
  • Maria Marta da Silva
  • Teresa Helena Sclhoen-Ferreira
  • Élide Medeiros
  • Maria Aznar-Farias
  • Mércia Regina Marcondes Pedromônico



adolescence, social competence, friendship.


In adolescence, living in a same-aged group is fundamental. Friendship provides pleasure and brings benefits to the individual’s development. Objective: to ascertain the number
of close friends that adolescents who attended a health centre say they have, checking if sex or the con-ectness of the school level/age relation affect the number of friends. Method: transversal descriptive research. 250 individuais were chosen at random, 197 of them (78.8%) fulfilled the characteristics of this study, with 62.44% of female presence. The adolescents were between 11 and 18 years old and ali studied at primary or secondary schools. Instrument: we utilized the “Youth Self Report” - YSR (Achenbach, 1991), a system for tracking behavioural and social competence problems. Procedure: The adolescents attending the “Centro de Atendimento e Apoio
ao Adolescente - CA^AA” (Centre for Adolescent Assistance and Support) were interviewed with the YSR from 1999 until 2002. Results: most of lèmales answered they have 2-3 close
friends, while most of males, 4 or more. The adolescents, in general, thinkofthemselves asbeing goodfriends andhavenodifficultyinmaking friends. Discussion: females seem to be more selective concerning friendship compared to males. The adolescents showed a good self-image regarding the relationship with friends. Conclusion: the adolescents are ca^l~ying out one of the evolutionary tasks of this phase: to have close friends.

Author Biographies

  • Maria Marta da Silva
    Especialista em Adolescência pelo CAAA- UNIFESP
  • Teresa Helena Sclhoen-Ferreira
    Mestre em Ciências Aplicadas à Pediatria pela UNIFESP
  • Élide Medeiros
    Professora Adjunto da UNIFESP
  • Maria Aznar-Farias
    Professora Adjunto da UNIFESP
  • Mércia Regina Marcondes Pedromônico
    Professora Adjunto da UNIFESP


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