family. hospitalized child. pediatric nursing.Abstract
This work aims to contribute to the discussion concerning the assistance provided to the family of the hospitalized child through a theoretical reflection based on our experience in the arca. Our aim was to understand the family perspective in cases of child hospitalization, as well as the challenges posed to the nursing staff in learning how to approach the family in the hospitalization context. It was verified that the expectations and necessities of the family are different from those of the professionals involved who, in turn, encounter difficulties in giving support and guidance to the families. The absence of technical, scientific and operationalconditions for providing appropriate assistance is one of the limiting factors. In order to implement an ideal model of assistance which takes into consideration the necessities of both
the child and the family, it is necessary to invest in infrastructure and in the specific training of the professionals involved, thus changing the current reality of the assistance provided for
hospitalized children.
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