Depression. Adolescents. Family support.Abstract
In adolescence, there are many changes such as: physical, hormonal and psychological that could have a bearing on the development of an assortment of disorders and mental symptoms, for example depression symptomology, which the family can have an influence over by starting and maintaining the development of these symptoms. The objective of the research is to evaluate the correlation that exists between the depression symptomology and the perception of family support in high school students. One hundred and fifty-four (154) students from a public high school participated in the research. The materiais used were an identification questionnaire (with several risk factors in depression), the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) Scale, and the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI). The questionnaires were given collectively in the classroom. The main results showed that the more an adolescent exhibited a depressive symptomology, the more inadequate the adolescent’s family support is, and thus a greater risk factor. In this sample of adolescents, the research can conclude that family support is negatively related to depressive symptomology.Downloads
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