Obesity, Adolescent’s health, Body.Abstract
The objective of this actual study is to identify and analyze perceptions that teenagers have about their bodies, before and after their participation in a Multidisciplinary Program ofAssistance to the Obese Teenager. We used the qualitative approach based on MINAYO (1994); two teenage groups, between 10 and 13 years old, that had participated in the program, constitute the sample. The first group consisted of 14 teenagers, who finished participating in the program in 2002, while the other group, with 17 teenagers, began the program in 2003. The data.collected were drawings and writings created by the teenagers. The analysis of data was organ~ized in thematic topics, which had been considered inside drawings and writings. There were two thema,tic ~topics: “The obese youth and his body before the,program” and “The obese~y~oung and his
body after the program”. We have concluded that the obese teenager exhibit conflicting relations with his body, which he perceives, must to be improved, reflecting on quality of life~and
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