Analysis of quality indexes of the provided health services in public and private services of Angola
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health management, quality of health care, health care evaluation.Resumen
Introduction: Quality indices are being increasingly used by leaders, managers and health professionals as operational tools to improve processes and reduce costs. Noting that there is a greater tendency of private hospitals operating in the regulatory model for market mechanisms, it is expected that the quality indicators that serve as a reference for monitoring the health management are more critical in public hospitals. Objective: Evaluate the quality of health services provided in public and private service in Angola. Methods: We analyzed 142 patients of a public and a private institutions in Angola in a structured interview on health indicators. The indices were collected according to the process structure components and results. Results: There are 51,453 calls in the public institution, remaining hospitalized a day, an average of 184 patients, with an annual rate of bed occupancy of 90.84%. 50% of respondents praised the services and 22% complained about the quality of services. He was appointed as the main grounds for complaint the slow service (17%). The private institution received 2,222 patients, with an average of 570 patients. The mean hospital stay was 4.5 days. The average monthly rate of bed occupancy was 59.9%. In assessing the degree of satisfaction of care, regular or bad satisfaction obtained a rate of 60% in the private institution. Conclusion: There was no favorable results for quality in health management both in public service and in private.
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