People in detention and the hospitals of custody and psychiatric treatment in the context of the national health plan in the prison system


  • Martinho Braga Batista e Silva Ministério da Saúde



persons deprived of freedom, National Health Plan in the prison system, prison system, single health system


In the context of implementation of the National Health Plan in the prison system, people in detention and the Hospitals of Custody and Psychiatric Treatment pointed to a challenge to the effectiveness of the principles and guidelines of the Single Health System. Two questions present themselves as the main critical problems: the concepet of nonimputability, obeying the rules the assumption of responsibility for their actions, the hegemony of expertise, often overlapping control of the daily institutional care. However, the health teams in the prison system have no responsibilities on technical evoluations, pointing to a call to people in detention ruled by the logic of primary care. Furthermore, the accountability of staff can not relate exclusively to obeying the rules and seeking guarantees, among other tasks which refer to an essence of being human, but the extent of engagement in existence in common, at the point to fit the risk and uncertainty in everyday life.


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