The demos goes to war: translation and commentary of fr. II and III FGE attributed to Simonides of Ceos


  • Robert de Brose Universidade Federal do Ceará



Simônides de Ceos, epigrama, II FGE, III FGE


In the present paper, I shall translate and present a commentary of fr. II and III FGE, attributed to Simonides of Ceos. Based on the literary analysis, the historical context and textual evidence, I shall argue, together with previous scholars, that both epigrams refer to the same event, namely, the Battle of Chalcis (c. 507/6 BC). In this scenario, I shall propose that fr. II FGE refers to the Athenian fallen in combat, and that the inscription was probably part of a monument placed in situ or in a mnēma at the city of Athens. On the other hand, III FGE, which presents a thematic unity with the previous epigram, may have been part of a monument commemorating the victory of the Athenians over the Boeotians in that same battle.


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Author Biography

  • Robert de Brose, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    Professor Assistente de Língua e Literatura Grega da Universidade Federal do Ceará (Campus de Fortaleza) e mestre em Letras Clássicas pela Universidade de São Paulo, onde desenvolve, atualmente, pesquisa em lírica grega arcaica como candidato a doutor no Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas daquela instituição. Tem interesse na pesquisa em língua e literatura greco-latina, na lingüística e poética do proto-indo-europeu, em estudos de oralidade e na aborgagem cognitiva à lingua e literatura da antiguidade.






How to Cite

Brose, R. de. (2013). The demos goes to war: translation and commentary of fr. II and III FGE attributed to Simonides of Ceos. Letras Clássicas, 17(2), 3-30.