Differences and parallels between the use of “rustic” imagery in Ars amatoria and Remedia amoris





Ovid, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris, hunting, agriculture, comparison


In this article, we look at the rural imagery of Ars amatoria and Remedia amoris. “Rustic imagery” refers to the usage of metaphors, comparisons, or true depictions of characters’ gestures that are related to agricultural or hunting occupations. When comparing the two works, we hope to demonstrate that, despite their similarities, the use of rustic imagery (figuratively or not) has different meanings in each one, owing primarily to the fact that in Ars amatoria such features are used to promote love, whereas in Remedia amoris the poet teaches how to curb love in case it causes any sort of unhappiness.


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Author Biography

  • Matheus Trevizam, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de Letras

    Professor de Língua e Literatura latina da FALE-UFMG


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How to Cite

Differences and parallels between the use of “rustic” imagery in Ars amatoria and Remedia amoris. (2024). Letras Clássicas, 2(1), 157-194. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2358-3150.v2i1p157-194