The satires of Ennius: translation and commentary


  • Eduardo Henrik Aubert University of São Paulo



Quintus Ennius, Latin poetry, satire


This text provides the first Portuguese translation of Republican poet Quintus Ennius’ (c. 239-169 a.C.) satires; these verses survive only in a fragmentary state and are surrounded by multiple uncertainties. In the introduction, an attempt is made at identifying the main interpretative currents from which vastly different perceptions of the satires stem. In the main body of the text, fragments and their contexts are translated, followed by ample commentary that seeks to shed light upon intra- and inter-generic relations that might have contributed to the conception of these poems.


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Edições de fontes antigas:


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How to Cite

Aubert, E. H. (2024). The satires of Ennius: translation and commentary. Letras Clássicas, 2(1), 3-80.