Adjustment Team, by Philip K. Dick: from the short story to The Adjustment Bureau film




Philip K. Dick, Adjustment Team, Adjustment Bureau, sci-fi


This chapter analyzes the short story Adjustment Team, written in 1954 by Philip K. Dick, and its transposition into the 2011 film The Adjustment Bureau, adapted and directed by George Nolfi. In the story, Ed Fletcher experience a daily life but, suddenly, due to a failure of the “Plan”, Fletcher observes something forbidden that takes place in the construction of the so-called real life, which puts it in check. The entire story present images related to an organized and perfect world based on a construction formulated through divine purposes and fixed in our imagination. Such discovery is punctuated by philosophical issues such as faith and free will, depending on the “Plan” or predestination. In the other hand, the filmic narrative based in the story is focused in romantic couple whose reality is manipulated by the "agents of fate", who try to avoid the relationship between a promising politician and a dancer. They manipulate actions in order to achieve the "Plan” already established.


Author Biography

  • Sandra Trabucco Valenzuela, Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo
    Post-doctoral degree in Comparative Studies by FFLCH, University of São Paulo (USP); PhD and Master in Hispanic-American Literature from FFLCH/USP; Bachelor and Licensed in Letters by FFLCH / USP; Specialist in Art History (Claretian) and Specialist in Cinema and Audiovisual Language (UBC). Professor at FATEC, FAM and UPM.
    Author of several books and scientific articles, official translator and translator of works in the areas of Pedagogy, Human Sciences, History, Theology and Arts. José Celestino Bourroul Literary Prize 2014, for the best book of the year given by the History Academy. Agito Cultural Award 2017, granted by the Legislative Assembly of Sao Paulo. Producer and hostess of the Mega Series program, Rádio Mega Brasil Online.


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How to Cite

VALENZUELA, Sandra Trabucco. Adjustment Team, by Philip K. Dick: from the short story to The Adjustment Bureau film. Literartes, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 1, n. 17, p. 134–164, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9826.literartes.2022.191140. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.