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Author Guidelines


1. Texts must be submitted through the OJS platform or sent to the e-mail address, in extension *.doc or *.docx, written in size 12 Times New Roman font, 1,5 spacing, with up to 8500 words in the body of the text, up to 3000 in the notes and 1500 in the bibliographic references.

2. All articles must include abstracts in Portuguese and in English or Spanish, with up to 170 words each. Keywords, between three and five, must be separated by semicolons and with a period.

3. Articles should be submitted without any information that may identify authors, links to research groups, titles of academic papers presented/defended (communication, dissertation, thesis) or names of departments and/or advisors to which the authors are linked, among others, must be excluded. When necessary, the authors may indicate in the text, replacing the deleted excerpts, the following phrase: “Excerpt removed to preserve blind evaluation.” If the article is approved, the author will be allowed to include the information again in the version that will be published.

4. Authors must submit an extra document (*.doc or *.docx) with their name(s) in bold, institutional and/or professional affiliation, publication (if any) of book, containing in parentheses the genre, publisher and year, the ORCiD number and an e-mail address for contact that can be disclosed.


The bibliographic note of the citations must appear in the author-date system, in parentheses, in the middle of the text:

5. 1. The reference to the author or authors of a citation must come in parentheses, containing the author’s surname, the year of edition of the work and the page where the citation is located. The author’s surname must come in small caps, and the page(s) preceded(s) by p.
Ex.: (CARPEAUX, 1966, p. 57), (BOSI, 1995, p. 198-203), (GOMES, 1981, p. 121-2).

5. 2. Even if the surname is clearly a compound expression, such as Costa Lima, Sales Gomes, Almeida Prado, only the last should be indicated: LIMA, GOMES, PRADO.

5. 3. The reference must come right after the quotation.
Ex.: Devemos ter em mente que “a análise de um poema é frequentemente a pesquisa das suas tensões” (CANDIDO, 1993, p. 30).

5. 4. If the author’s name appears before the citation, the data may appear next to the name.
Ex.: Ao tratar do método de leitura, Antonio Candido (1993, p. 30) diz que “a análise de um poema é frequentemente a pesquisa das suas tensões”.

5. 5. If the mention is made after the citation, it is not necessary to repeat the author’s name.
Ex.: Ao tratar do método de leitura, Antonio Candido diz que “a análise de um poema é frequentemente a pesquisa das suas tensões” (1993, p. 30).

5. 6. If there are two works of the author with the same date (published in the same year), one should avoid confusion indicating each of the editions with a letter:
Ex.: (ROSENFELD, 1985a, p. 45), (ROSENFELD, 1985b, p. 101). They must have the corresponding letter indication in the final bibliography at the end.

5. 7. If there is more than one author, the two must be quoted, linked by semicolons.
Ex.: (CANDIDO; CASTELLO, 2008, p. 220-30) or (CANDIDO e CASTELLO, 2008, p. 220-30).

5. 8. If the quotation is not literal, with quotation marks, it should be indicated that the reader “check” if the quotation is faithful to the original text: “cf.”.
Ex.: Ao tratar do método de leitura, Antonio Candido diz que analisar um poema é constantemente fazer uma pesquisa das tensões que organizam o texto (cf. 1993, p. 30).

5. 9. When quoting a passage from another work, not directly, the expression “apud” must be used, equivalent to “referred to by”, “quoted by”.
Ex.: Ao definir o épico, Goethe e Schiller dizem que “a autonomia das partes constitui caráter essencial do poema épico” (apud ROSENFELD, 1985, p. 32).

5. 10. If a work is cited more than once in sequence, just quote the new page, followed by the Latin expression “Idem”, thus indicating it to be the same author.
Ex.: (MILLIET, 1985, p. 102); next (Idem, p. 109).

5. 11. If the article is a text analysis where a single text is quoted several times, just indicate it in full in the first occurrence, and then indicate the page in the others.
Ex.: (LISPECTOR, 1960, p. 33); and from then on (p. 54), (p. 82).

5. 12. If a quotation brings an expression in italics, it is not necessary to say that the emphasis is from the work’s author; but if the author of the article wants to put italics in one or more expressions, they must inform the readers.
Ex.: (NUNES, 2010, p. 145, emphasis added).

5. 13. In the case of citations highlighted in their own paragraph, without quotation marks, the reference also comes at the end of the citation, after the period, becoming “loose” (without a period).
Ex.: Sobre a questão do ato de interpretar, diz o autor:

Se os sinais gráficos que desenham a superfície do texto literário fossem transparentes, se o olho que neles batesse visse de chofre o sentido ali presente, então não haveria forma simbólica, nem se faria necessário esse trabalho tenaz que se chama interpretação. (BOSI, 1988, p. 274)

5. 14. A work should only be referenced if it is actually cited; the mere mention of the work does not require any indication, unless, for example, the author wants to record the year of the first edition; but the data of the edition used in the article should only appear if the edition is actually cited.

5. 15. Additional information should come as footnotes, in reduced font size, and numbered as follows:
Nonono¹,      Nonono²;      Nonono³:
Nonono¹ –    Nonono²)      Nonono.³
Nonono?¹     Nonono!²      Nonono...³

5. 16. Foreign words must appear in italics.


Full references should be listed alphabetically at the end of the text, as follows:

6. 1. The title of literary works or of other pieces, as well as of scientific works, must come in italics with the initials in lowercase, except for names.
Ex.: O cortiço; Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha; O cacto e as ruínas; Rio, 40 graus; Meus caros amigos; O homem sem qualidades; Moça com brinco de pérola; O ser e o nada; O inferno é aqui mesmo; História concisa da literatura brasileira.

6. 2. The title of newspapers, magazines and serial works is capitalized in all words, except for prepositions.
Ex.: Jornal da Tarde; Literatura e Sociedade; Novos Estudos Cebrap; Boletim Acontece; Jornal do Comércio; Isto É; Fatos e Fotos.

6. 3. In the case of academic journals, one should only put the expression “revista” (journal) for cases where, without it, the name disappears, cases in which the expression is the name itself.
Ex.: Revista USP; Revista do IEB; Revista do Livro; A Revista; Revista do IEA.

6. 4. But in cases where an independent name of the institution that publishes it appears, and without the word “revista” in the name, one should not include such a word, nor include the journal’s subtitle or the institution that publishes it. See examples in item 6. 7.
Ex.: Literatura e Sociedade; Opiniães; Teresa; Terceira Margem; Remate de Males; Língua e Literatura; Argumento; Novos Estudos Cebrap; Via Atlântica; Todas as Musas etc. The reader can identify this publication as a journal, even if they do not know it, through the date that come after (number, volume, absence of a publisher).

6. 5. The part of any work must come in quotation marks, without italics and in lowercase (except names), whatever the nature of that part (chapter, short story, novel, poem, crônica, book section, track of a CD or LP, episode of a film, journal essay, newspaper article, dictionary entry etc.).
Ex.: “As ideias fora do lugar” (book chapter); “O espelho” (short story); “A educação pela pedra” (poem); “Campo geral” (novel); “Anúncio de João Alves” (crônica); “Um eu todo retorcido” (book section); “Nada será como antes” (song); “O homem público, uma figura em extinção na natureza” (newspaper article); “Fluxo de consciência” (dictionary entry).

6. 6. The separation of title and subtitle is using a colon, without italics in the subtitle.
Ex.: A.P. Tchekhov: cartas para uma poética.

6. 7. In the complete reference of the work, the following data must be included: surname (in small caps) and name of the author; title of part of the work (if cited); title of the work; organizer (if any); translator (if any); issue; city; publishing house; year; number of pages (if only part of the work is cited). Any additional data should only appear if it is important to the context.
Examples with all cases:
a) Full book:
CANDIDO, Antonio. Na sala de aula: caderno de análise literária. 4. ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1993.
b) Book chapter:
CANDIDO, Antonio. “Uma aldeia falsa”. In: Na sala de aula. Caderno deanálise literária. 4. ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1993, p. 20-37.
c) Co-authored book:
CANDIDO, Antonio; CASTELLO, José Aderaldo. Presença da literatura brasileira: história e antologia. 10. ed. rev. São Paulo: Bertrand Brasil, 1997, v. 2: Modernismo.
d) Book with organizer:
SCHWARZ, Roberto (org.). Os pobres na literatura brasileira. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1983.
e) Book with several authors:
BOSI, Viviana et al. (orgs.). O poema: leitores e leituras. Cotia: Ateliê Editorial, 2001.
f) Articles in journals:
FRIEDMAN, Norman. “O que faz um conto ser curto?”. Trad. de Marta Cavalcante de Barros. Revista USP. São Paulo, n. 63, p. 219-30, set.-nov. 2004.
XAVIER, Ismail. “O exemplar e o contingente no teatro das evidências”. Literatura e Sociedade. São Paulo, n. 14, v. 2, p. 14-23, 2010.
g) Newspaper article:
ARRIGUCCI JR., Davi. “Drummond meditativo”. O Estado de S. Paulo. São Paulo, 12 jul. 2007 (Caderno 2, p. 6-7).
h) Repeated authors:
CANDIDO, Antonio. Na sala de aula: caderno de análise literária. 4. ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1993.
CANDIDO, Antonio. “Uma aldeia falsa”. In: Na sala de aula. Caderno deanálise literária. 4. ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1993, p. 20-37.

6. 8. For interview references, the entry is made by the interviewed author, with mention to the interviewer, without quotation marks.
Ex.: MARCOS, Plínio. Entrevista a Edla van Steen. In: STEEN, Edla van (comp.). Viver & escrever. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1981, v. 1, p. 249-66.
If there is a title in the interview, it precedes the mention of the interviewer(s).
Ex.: CANDIDO, Antonio. “A Literatura é um direito humano fundamental” [Entrevista a Luis Augusto Fischer, Flávio Loureiro Chaves e Flávio de Azevedo e Souza]. Ponto e Vírgula. Porto Alegre, ano 1, n. 2, p. 6-9, maio-jun. 1991.

6. 9. If the book or article is on the internet, put the following phrase at the end:
“Available online at:” (without quotation marks), informing the URL and, when possible, the access date.

6. 10. When the work does present a given editing data, write down with bracketed abbreviations: [s.l.] no place of publication; [s.e.] no publisher; [s.d.] no date; [s.p.] no page.
Ex.: EAGLETON, Terry. Teoria da literatura: uma introdução. Trad. de Waltensir Dutra. São Paulo: Martins Fontes [s.d.].

6. 11. When two works by the same author are cited, the author’s name must appear in full both times (and not with a dash in place of the name).

6. 12. Foreign language references follow the same standards.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution shall be original and unpublished, and not be under evaluation by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in “Comments to the editor”.
  • The journal will only accept submissions of articles from researchers who already hold a PhD degree.
  • In case of submission to a journal section with peer review, the instructions available in the Conditions for submission and Guidelines for Authors must be followed.
  • The file must be submitted in Microsoft Word (doc, docx) or OpenOffice (odt) format, without authorship information. A file containing the author’s information, such as academic training and publications, must be sent separately, including the ORCiD number and a contact email that can be published.
  • Texts must follow style standards and bibliographical requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, below.
  • Please be informed that this journal does not charge a fee for submitting articles and/or article processing charges (APC).

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The names and addresses reported in this journal will be used exclusively for the services related to this publication, and will not be available for other purposes or third parties.