A educação pela linguagem em Perto do coração selvagem e A maçã no escuro


  • Mona Lisa Bezerra Teixeira Universidade de São Paulo (USP)




Clarice Lispector, Romance and learning, Language and individual, Memory and imagination, Brazilian Literature, Theory of the novel


In Near to the wild heart and The apple in the dark, the protagonists oscillate between the approach with other individuals and the isolation, like a kind of exercise of learning before the existence. And in this process of dramatic education, language is often expressed in a way transgressive. Joana and Martim are never satisfied with the questions they ask and so little with the answers they reach. But his trajectories of anxiety show, under various nuances, the helplessness of the human condition, so well represented by the form of the novel


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Author Biography

  • Mona Lisa Bezerra Teixeira, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

    Mona Lisa Bezerra Teixeira é doutora pelo Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada da FFLCH-USP, com a tese Imagens da infância na obra de Clarice Lispector (2010)




How to Cite

Teixeira, M. L. B. (2018). A educação pela linguagem em Perto do coração selvagem e A maçã no escuro. Literatura E Sociedade, 23(27), 146-157. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2237-1184.v0i27p146-157